
Goals and Objectives

TRUST programs provide early exposure and information for college readiness, STEM, and character development activities and programs whose outcomes enhance and develop character for participants

We achieve these goals through community events, STEM bootcamps, sports teams and activities, and participation in arts and humanities programs.


College readiness
  • Expose students to application process
  • Expose students to preparation for ACT and SAT
  • Provide scholarship and financial aid opportunities
  • College tours
  • Writing workshops
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics
  • Increase awareness of STEM Careers
  • Partnership with the Black Data Processors Associates (BDPA)
  • Exposure to technology
Character Development
  • Leadership training
  • Bullying prevention
  • Integrity
Social Skills
  • Public speaking
  • Anger management
  • Problem solving
Financial Literacy
  • Opening and maintaining a bank account
  • Providing a basic understanding of stocks and bonds
  • Basic understanding of credit
Civic Engagement
  • Volunteer work
  • Service learning
  • Community development